Hufnagel Leuchten GmbH
Hufnagel Leuchten GmbH
light and design - Made in Germany...

Hufnagel Leuchten GmbH

Hufnagel Leuchten GmbH produces and sells high-quality lights. Taking current trends into account, high-quality materials such as metals, wood, glass and fabrics are processed in a handcrafted, design-oriented manner at our company location in Germany. The attractive price-performance ratio and the high quality standards are the success factors of our company.
Hufnagel Leuchten GmbH, Talweg 24, 59846 Sundern, Deutschland

Visiting address

Talweg 24
59846 Sundern

Opening times

Sunday - Thursday08:30 - 18:00
Friday08:30 - 16:00



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