Lichtwoche Sauerland

This is the place for the exchange of latest news, innovations and future trends. The "Lichtwoche Sauerland" is one of the most important meeting places for renowned manufacturers, traders, buyers and reseller of lamps and luminaires.

A warm welcome! 16.-21.02.2025


A special Year

A special Event

The center of the light

A Laserbeam makes it visible

Illuminating Visions

This is Lichtwoche Sauerland!

#LWS – Our official App

Plan, navigate, and stay informed effortlessly with the official app to make the most of your visit.


The Lichtwoche is a trade fair which takes place in the region of the "Sauerland", North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. It is aimed first and foremost at trade visitors from the lighting industry.

Center of Light

In the anniversary year of the Lichtwoche Sauerland, an exceptionally powerful laser beam will light up the sky every evening for a week and make the Sauerland visible as the center of light.


The team of the "Lichtforum NRW" is in charge of the organization of the Lichtwoche Sauerland. Do not hesitate to get in contact with us.

Visit the Exhibitors

Experience products at the locations of their manufacturing origin or selling point

During the Lichtwoche Sauerland, exhibitors invite their customers into their respective subsidiaries in order to present the newest collections and product lines.


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